
Want to contribute with Localshop? Great! We really appreciate your help. But before digging into your new fluffy-next-millionaine-feature code keep in mind that you MUST follow this guide to get your pull requests approved.

Get started

  1. Fork the project and follow the installation instructions [1].
  2. Your code MUST contain tests. This is a requirement and no pull request will be approved if it lacks tests. Even if your’re making a small bug fix we want to ensure that it will not introduce any another bug.
  3. Help to keep the documentation up-to-date is really appreaciated. Always check if your’re making changes that make the documentation obsolete and update it.
  4. Squash your commits before making a pull request whenever possible. This will avoid history pollution with middle commits that breaks things. Your pull request should be a single commit with all your changes.
  5. Open a pull request. Usually, the target branch at the main repository will be develop, but if your’re sending a bugfix to avoid the extinction of human race, maybe you want to target the master branch.


Use a meaningful and convincing pull request description. Feel free to use emojis to give us a clue of what kind changes your’re making. The Style guide contains some of our preferred ones.

Running Tests

To run all tests, simply use tox:

pip install tox

tox -e py27 # use `tox -e py27 -r` to rebuild the virtual environment

To run a specific test, pass the test module filename as an argument:

tox -e py27 tests/apps/packages/

If you would like tox to run tests for all supported python versions, you should first install pyenv.

After installing pyenv you should download all required python versions (see .python-version), and then simply run tox without the -e argument; e.g:

# install pyenv
curl -L | bash

# install all required python versions
cat .python-version | xargs -I{} pyenv install {}

# run all tests

tox automatically creates an environment and installs dependencies on each run. When actively developing, you may want to reuse your existing environment to quickly rerun the tests. In this case first install the test dependencies and then run py.test directly. E.g :

# recommended: set up a virtual environment
localshop $ virtualenv -a . -r requirements.txt localshop

# install the requirements
(localshop) localshop $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(localshop) localshop $ pip install -e .[test]

# run the tests for the module you are working on
(localshop) localshop (develop)$ py.test tests/apps/packages/

================================= test session starts =================================
============================== 3 passed in 0.92 seconds ===============================

Style guide

  • Follow the PEP8. Try to keep the line length to 79 but don’t make it a big a deal.

  • Make sure that your code does not raises any Pylint errors or warnings.

  • Always group the imports in 3 blocks: native libraries, third party libraries and project imports.

  • Keep the import block alphabetically ordered. If you use Sublime Text, you can do this by selecting the import block and hitting F9

  • Avoid polluting the current namespace with lots of imports. If you find yourself in a situation of importing a lot of symbols from the same package, consider import the package itself.

    Wrong way:

    from django.core.exceptions import (ImproperlyConfigured, AppRegistryNotReady, FieldError, DisallowedHost,
                                        DisallowedRedirect, DjangoRuntimeWarning)

    Preferred way:

    from django.core import exceptions as djexc

Commit messages

  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less

  • Always use English

  • Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
    • lipstick :lipstick: when improving the format/structure of the code
    • fire :fire: when removing code or files
    • bug :bug: when fixing a bug
    • beetle :beetle: when fixing a bug
    • book :book: when writing docs
    • green_heart :green_heart: when fixing the CI build
    • white_check_mark :white_check_mark: when adding tests
    • x :x: when commiting code with failed tests
    • arrow_up :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
    • arrow_down :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies

